Baseball Has a Problem….

Too often, weightlifting movements are only considered in terms of their capacity to develop and produce force. However, for athletic development, these exercises' capacity to develop and train athletes to absorb impact and REDUCE force is an essential component. Reduced force is an important part of injury prevention and building a stronger baseball player who can handle all-year-round throwing.

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Split Jerk - How to Series

There are two common styles of the dip. There is a quick and controlled short dip and a longer dip. The short dip is beneficial for shorter and/ or very explosive athletes. This method best capitalizes on the stretch reflex at the knee and can provide a very large amount vertical force. The long dip method is used by athletes with longer legs who naturally will need to go deeper.

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3 Stage Clean - Fix Your Clean Series

Nearly every error in the clean is caused by an error in the pull. The 3 Stage Clean might be just what you need if you think this is the problem! The 3 Stage Clean is an exercise that can be used as a warm-up for lifters who are more accustomed to the clean or as the primary exercise for lifters who are just starting out in the clean.

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High Bar Back Squat - How To Series

One of the best strength exercises is the high-bar back squat, which helps build absolute strength and power in the core and lower body. In this article, we will discuss the fundamentals of the high-bar back squat technique as well as the top three most common blunders that novices frequently commit when performing the exercise.

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Gym Etiquette Part 2

So you’ve been going to the gym for a while and realized that you might not be the best training partner or gym goer. Don’t worry. The first step to fixing your problem is admitting you have one. So, say it with me “I am a jackass and bad training partner”. There, now that you have admitted your problem you can start to fix it.

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