The Secret to Staying Young!!


The vast majority of fitness trends are short term fads that will fade away. Most of these methods or programs are unable to achieved consistent results among their practitioners. This would beg the question; why do so many people stray from the tried-and-true methods?

Resistance training is beneficial for everyone, regardless of their objectives. In addition, the health advantages go well beyond your short-term fitness goals. Let's look at some of the reasons why you should include strength training in your fitness routine, regardless of why you train.

1. Strength training yields results.

Having more muscle mass will help you achieve your goals. Buzzwords like "tone," "lift," and "sculpt" have made a fortune for some fitness companies. The issue is that those ambiguous terms cannot be measured. The only possible way to alter your body composition is to simultaneously lose fat and gain muscle. Strength training is the best choice if you want to make a change in the fastest way possible.

Strength training, is a type of exercise that focuses on using resistance to cause muscular contraction. This increases skeletal muscle strength, anaerobic endurance, and size. Your body's basal metabolism, or the number of calories burned each day before physical activity is added, increases when you build muscle. It's similar to adding a larger engine to a car. The car has more muscle, which means it can go faster or carry more weight, but it also uses more fuel (fat) when it's cruising down the freeway or sitting in the driveway. Through this trade of muscle gain and fat loss, strength training helps us "tone."

2. Gaining muscle mass is the real fountain of youth.

One of the best things we can do for our health as we get older is strength training. A high quality of life is largely dependent on one's physical independence.

It has been demonstrated through extensive research that strength training can; Reduce resting heart rate, increase stamina, prevent sarcopenia, or aging-related muscle loss, increase bone mineral density, and prevent and assist in the rehabilitation of injuries.

4. You'll Bulletproof your brain.

Did you know that lifting weights can make your body and brain stronger at the same time?

In older adults with mild cognitive impairment, Dr. Yorgi Mavros of the University of Sydney found that high-intensity physical resistance training (PRT) significantly improved cognitive function, muscle strength, and aerobic capacity. On a series of mental tests, adults who performed both cognitive training and resistance training significantly outperformed control groups. A few important points to remember:

Each of the participants lifted twice a week performing their work sets at a minimum of 80% of their maximum strength. Benefits were still present 1 year after the exercise program had ended!

What is that implying? Dr. Mavros asserts that "the stronger people became, the greater the benefit for their brain". That means that training to become stronger actually makes your brain grow!

4. You will achieve all your fitness goals.

Strength training paves the way for success. Training objectives that are specific, measurable, and produce desired outcomes are possible. A good coach will help you create a strategy for achieving these objectives with checkpoints. Your program for strength training is a clear road map to success. The indicators that you are on the right path are sets, reps, and weights lifted safely throughout your entire range of motion. A more in-depth plan helps a lot of people stay motivated as they make progress.

5. Babies born to strong mothers are healthy.

The question of "what does fitness look like for this stage of life" is always present during pregnancy. Before beginning any fitness routine, it is essential to speak with a doctor because so much is at stake. Fortunately, in most cases, incorporating a strength training routine can result in significant gains. The mother's and child's health can be improved and symptoms reduced through resistance training. The Mayo Clinic says that pregnant women who stick to a regular strength training routine can experience:

  • Reduced incidence of gestational diabetes

  • Maintain pre pregnancy muscular strength and endurance

  • Improved mood and energy

  • Reduced; bloating, swelling, backaches and constipation

  • Improved sleep

  • Prevent excess weight gain

Women who train during pregnancy also reported improved body image and improved psychological well-being!